Drug-Free Pain Relief for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis, one of the most common spinal problems in the country has many folks searching for drug-free pain relief.
Spinal stenosis was once believed to progress with age, but research now shows that stenosis is caused by several different factors.
Along with back problems early in life, stenosis can occur specifically in the lumbar region, but it can also result from the overgrowth of bone associated with osteoarthritis and back strain.
Per a recent article, we found on www.goodbody.com, 8 out of 10 people will experience back pain in their lives at some point.
Lower back pain has been trending upward, with reports showing much higher numbers reported since 1997.
There isn’t a huge gap between those categorized as 18 years and older, and those aged 65 and older.
This means that mechanics could play an important role in the younger group.
The research also shows that back problems are more common in women than they are in men.
There are several reasons for this, but we do know that most women experience low back during their pregnancies, specifically during the third trimester.
There are many factors as play when it comes to the causes of back pain and how to fix it.
At best, most individuals go through physical therapy as recommended by their doctors, but they often come back to the doctor later with not much improvement.
Today, we will share with you what doctors believe are the main causes of spinal stenosis, and how PEMF therapy could potentially help you reduce your pain and improve your mobility.
Why This Drug-Free Pain Relief is Worth Considering
A survey mentioned in this article, known as the ATPA Move Forward Survey, gave statistics on how back pain affected the daily lives of both men and women. Here are the results:
1. 39% of those individuals said that it affected their daily tasks.
2. 38% of those individuals said that it affected their ability to exercise.
3. 37% of those individuals said that it affected their ability to sleep.
There is one interesting statistics that most back pain sufferers share; 54% of that suffer from low back pain have desk jobs. That says a lot about what happens when the body is in a “dormant state”.
While you may not be able to get up and move around a lot, those who have back problems don’t work in an active job. Much of the problem may be related to the chair as well as how you sit in that chair.
It’s all relative when it comes to sourcing your back pain.
Most individuals report their back pain to their primary care physician, but once this happens the cycle can be maddening, leaving you with a feeling that nothing is going to change.
This is because your primary physician will most likely send you to an orthopedic, and that orthopedic will prescribe physical therapy unless they feel that you need to see a neurosurgeon.
When pain isn’t subsiding, the next course of action is to send the patient to a pain management doctor for a more long-term approach to treating pain.
This is where the next level of frustration comes in, and it’s where back pain becomes problematic.
Going to see a pain management doctor leads to a discussion about treating pain with physical therapy as well as with steroid injections.
Individuals that we have spoken with about this issue in treating back pain, have said that they can only get three steroid injections in a year.
Everyone responds differently. While you may get relief for many months, most individuals report getting relief for only 30 days.
Once that last injection has been utilized, the patient is redirected back into physical therapy as well as to continue their prescription painkillers.
The numbers on those using prescription pain killers does exceed the percentage of those individuals using physical therapy and chiropractic.
It is up to you to to determine what course of action is best for you. In fact, it’s best for you to talk with all your doctors about what is best for you.
Only YOU know.
However, it’s important that you consider drug free pain relief, and in whatever form you believe is right for you.
If you are suffering from spinal stenosis, then you know all too well that long list of reasons doctors think you developed this.
1. You have osteoarthritis.
2. Your work caused you to strain your back and narrow the spinal canal.
3. Age-related degeneration and narrowing of the spinal canal.
4. No cause was found.
Regardless of which one applies to you, you probably face frustration daily because you can’t get the relief you so desperately want, need, and deserve.
We don’t know what caused your spinal stenosis, but it is worth considering PEMF therapy to improve your mobility, as well as reduce inflammation ad pain.
If you could reduce the amount of pain medication you take, and increase your mobility, would you consider something different?
PEFM Therapy is Drug-Free Pain Relief at Its Best
PEMF therapy isn’t a new therapy.
This therapy has been around since electricity was discovered, and the research has continued since that time, mainly in Europe and Asia.
Veterinarians have been using PEMF therapy in the United States, and over time the research on humans has continued to trend. The stunning research led to the use of this therapy in orthopedics.
Doctors in this area of medicine have used PEMF therapy to heal various types of fractures, and it all starts at the cellular level.
The stimulation of cellular repair in turn, stimulates the healing of tissue. The research never stopped, with many physicians anxiously waiting to get their hands on the latest devices.
When the FDA cleared these devices in 1979, the devices were still new to the market and more of a fascination.
Those who wanted to research the effects of PEMF therapy were passionate about it, looking for ways to re-create the true source of electromagnetic fields to aid in healing the human body.
The FDA later approved PEMF therapy as a complementary therapy for cervical fusion in 2004, and the best part about this is that it has been widely recognized by professional sports doctors as well as neurosurgeons doing those cervical fusions.
The great news came in 2015, when the FDA upgraded PEMF therapy devices from a class 3 to a class 2 status.
The reason we share this information with you is because we believe that you deserve to know all your options before you decide.
It seems that the normal course of action includes an onslaught of doctor’s visits, a pain prescription, physical therapy, and a recurrence of back pain from spinal stenosis in 3 to 5 months or longer.
The only path for drug-free pain relief up until now has been the consumption of nutritional supplementation.
While this isn’t a bad thing, many patients that have absorption problems or digestive issues find that they must keep taking more of their supplements as well.
If you are looking for another option, a PEMF therapy device may be right for you.
Those who suffer from spinal stenosis experience stiffness, and may not be able to stand up straight when they have been sitting for long periods of time.
Using a PEMF therapy pad could help you direct the pulsed electromagnetic fields to the lumbar region, however, a mat offers full-body coverage in order to address overall better health and well-being.
Chances are, you may have inflammation or swelling elsewhere, of other ailments that you may not have considered to be worth of a complementary therapy.
The potential for healing is here, but only you can decide for yourself.
Talk to your doctor before you try any new therapy, including PEMF therapy.
If you would like to learn more about the most affordable “drug-free pain relief” through PEMF therapy available today, please visit. www.pemfsupply.com for more information.
I am suffering from spinal stenosis and it has been assessed by a surgeon and he said it was not eve close to a level needing surgery; I was surprised to say the least . I am in a great deal of pain I can’t imagine more Pain. This one of my issues. There is also chronic phatigue and a laundry list of other complaints I have been dealing with over a period of 20 year..
Hi Susan, so sorry to hear this. I too was diagnosed with foraminal stenosis a few years back, and the initial assessment was to prescribe physical therapy and steroid injections before they would even consider surgery. I think this is good, because it gives you a chance to try something else first before doing something invasive. I am doing fine and have not had to see the surgeon again. However, I would advise you to talk with your doctor about any pain or problems, and if they recommend physical therapy it’s worth a shot. You can at least do most of it at home, and see how you feel. Have you tried PEMF therapy yet? Many, including myself have experienced improvement with mobility and reduced pain with consistent use over time.