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Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis-is PEMF Therapy an Option?

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis-is PEMF Therapy an Option?

The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis often don’t rear their ugly head for some folks until later in life.

When they do, it’s not always easy to know that the disease present is MS.

This disease is one of the trickiest of all to diagnose because it seems to mirror the symptoms of many different diseases.

Those who get a medical diagnosis in early stages should consider themselves fortunate in that doctors can prescribe medications to help slow down the progression of this disease.

While this disease is no respecter of persons, it certainly has shown its presence boldly within the female population.

The purpose of this article is to identify key symptoms of MS as well as the methods used to treat those symptoms and therapies prescribed to help patients increase their mobility and improve their quality of life.

Please take the time to read this article all the way through to the end, so that you can gather some valuable information about the alternatives that are available to you or your loved one today.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and What They Mean

Getting a diagnosis for MS is NOT a death sentence.

There are many early warning signs but they won’t appear in all patients all of the time.

In fact, you may have symptoms that other patients never exhibit.

It’s easy to want to compare yourself to someone else that has received this diagnosis, but it’s best not to compare.

Once you start comparing yourself to those who have been diagnosed, you will begin filling your mind with negative emotions which can only hurt you in the near future.

Women between the ages of 20 and 40 years of age are the most frequently diagnosed in the country, but that doesn’t mean that men are not likely to get this disease.

Some of the most common symptoms or early warning signs include:

  1. Blurry vision.
  2. Pain behind the eyes or sharp pain in the center of the eye.
  3. Double vision.
  4. Problems with coordination.
  5. Thinking problems. (This is relating to processing information).
  6. Numbness or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs.
  7. Weakness in the limbs.

These symptoms may not sound bad, but they can be difficult to live with.

Imagine that you are a young college student, and you’ve just started your junior year with a lot of excitement as you get closer to the end.

You are focused on making it a great year to lead into your senior year, and you are already thinking about your job prospects.

You have been experiencing symptoms of multiple sclerosis so you make an appointment to see the doctor.

Your mind is reeling so you begin to lose focus on your studies as you worry about the outcome of your appointment.

Your doctor orders an MRI of the brain, and he/she confirms that you have MS.

Looking back, you realize how worried you were when you had trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

You also woke up with blurry vision and you ended up with headaches that were unusual that kept you from attending class.

Now can you see how these symptoms become more important to you when you’re dealing with them?

There are numerous patients that have received a diagnosis confirming MS, but looking back they may have realized they showed early symptoms many years ago.

This is quite common, and oftentimes the symptoms go away only to return many years later.

It is important to understand what causes MS, so that you can gain a deeper understanding of how available therapies work and why some may be more effective than others.

The list above gives the most common symptoms of MS, but patients may also report unusual sensations.

Many have reported that they feel a “pins and needles” sensation in their arms, legs, shoulders, or other places in the body.

Bladder problems are also common in those who have MS.

These symptoms are often mistaken for a urinary tract infection, only to lead to frustration when tests are negative. This could be the case for someone with MS.

The symptoms can range from mild to severe, and you may have only a few or several of them. Is it possible that PEMF therapy could be a helpful course of therapy for MS?

What Triggers Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

Now that you know the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, what causes these to appear?

The medical community has confirmed that MS occurs when the myelin sheath begins to wear down and expose the nerves leading from the brain to the spinal cord.

The actual cause for why this happens is unknown, but it is considered an autoimmune disease.

Some doctors have said that an autoimmune disease is a condition you have when your body is allergic to itself.

While this may sound silly, it is somewhat true, in that the body will begin to attack its own tissues.

This causes the myelin to come under attack, wearing away the protective sheath over the nerve fibers that run from the brain to the spinal cord.

While the cause remains unknown, researchers have been looking for common factors that may play an important role in the diagnosis of this disease.

These causes fall into four categories:

  1. Immunologic.
  2. Environmental.
  3. Viral.
  4. Genetic.

There are still many diseases that doctors are reluctant to classify as genetic, but studies are showing that many diseases and conditions may be hereditary.

There are also numerous studies being done on alternative methods used to reduce symptoms of MS as well as to improve the quality of life.

PEMF therapy is being used as a complementary therapy for many diseases and conditions, and MS is one of them.

The symptoms are a good indicator of where PEMF therapy could be most effective, meaning that when it comes to mobility, it could be effective in reducing inflammation as well as strengthening nerve fibers and regenerating healthy tissue.

The same is true of those who experience thinking problems.

These individuals would benefit from the therapy “waking up” the neuronal cells.

When damaged cells are repaired and new healthy cells are being created, the signals between the neurons should work properly.

This means that signals to and from the brain on mobility and motor function should improve.

There are numerous studies on the effectiveness of PEMF therapy for Alzheimer’s as well as Parkinson’s, and this is good news for patients struggling with the symptoms from MS.

Have you been recently diagnosed with this disease, but you aren’t sure what to do?

Are you taking multiple prescription drugs for your symptoms but you see no change?

We understand.

PEMF therapy is not a cure for MS, nor is it a replacement for the advice that you receive from your medical doctor.

All doctors that are actively involved in your treatment plan should be aware that you are interested in using PEMF therapy in addition to what you are doing right now.

If you would like to learn more about how you can improve your quality of life and use PEMF therapy as a complementary therapy to your current treatment plan to reduce your “symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis”, please visit

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