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Treatment for Sleepwalking with PEMF Therapy

Treatment for Sleepwalking with PEMF Therapy

Chances are you found this article today because you have been researching online for more information regarding treatment for sleepwalking.

This sleep disorder can be troublesome for those who struggle with it and are unable to find a solution.

Much research has been conducted on sleepwalking, and we know that the disorder originates during the deepest part of sleep known as REM cycle.

We also know that there are many more reports of sleepwalking with children than there are adults.

While it’s uncertain as to why this occurs, it’s clear that sleepwalking is all too common of a problem.

In fact, statistics tell us that more than eight million people suffer from sleepwalking disorder, and many are now reporting that they walk or do other activities in their sleep while using certain medications.

With so many reported with sleepwalking disorder, is medicine going to create a better way for these individuals to manage their symptoms and potentially reduce the occurrences of sleepwalking?

Is there a way to really tell if something in the patient’s life is triggering the sleepwalking event?

Today, this article will discuss what medicine has determined causes sleepwalking, what behaviors typically occur with sleepwalking and the conventional course of treatment.

We will also talk about how PEMF therapy can help those who sleep walk, and why it could be one of the most effective solutions for the long-term.

Please take the time to read this article through until the end, so that you can fully understand how this therapy works and why it could be the most effective treatment for sleepwalking.

The Conventional Treatment for Sleepwalking

The one direct cause of sleepwalking is unknown, but we do know that sleep disorders seem to arise during the REM cycle.

There are numerous theories about why this happens, but there is no one specific cause.

Those who sleepwalk exhibit numerous symptoms including:

  1. Getting up and walking around the house.
  2. Waking and sitting on the bed without recalling the event.
  3. Attempting to escape.
  4. Cooking.
  5. Driving.
  6. Washing their hair or numerous other activities that are common in life.

The causes are also numerous including:

  1. Sleep deprivation.
  2. Inconsistent sleep schedule.
  3. Stressful life situations.
  4. Taking drugs that are sedatives on a regular basis.
  5. Other medications like antipsychotics.

Oftentimes, these medicines cause a patient to sleep deeply, as they have the side effect of causing drowsiness.

Doctors often suggest that these patients take their medications an hour before bed to avoid that feeling of being groggy in the morning.

The link between disrupted sleep and strong medications is often the link between sleep disorders as well as other health problems.

In fact, any life change that disrupts a normal sleep schedule is going to be tough on the body and disrupt other functions of the brain.

The conventional treatment for sleepwalking consists of medications, and this is especially true when other conditions that affect sleep are not present.

The following medications are the most commonly prescribed for sleepwalking:

  1. ProSom (Estazolam).
  2. Klonopin.
  3. Trazodone (Desyrel).

These medications are available only with a prescription, and it is important that any patient using these medications is aware of the side effects and the risks involved.

ProSom is categorized as what is known as a hypnotic agent designed to reduce the chances of wakefulness during the night.

While use of this particular medication is generally limited to use for a few weeks, it may cause short-term memory loss.

Using this medication for lengthy periods of time could cause strong reactions from withdrawal, just as it would with pain medication. Is there a better way?

Treatment for Sleepwalking without a Prescription

Generally, the first course of treatment for any ailment in the United States include prescription drugs.

While this may seem to be “okay”, consider that millions have become dependent upon prescription drugs and have a very difficult time getting off of the medication later.

Pain medication and any type of medication associated with helping someone sleep can bring on an addiction very quickly.

This is why it’s important for these medications to be used for the short-term as you continue to seek alternatives.

PEMF therapy is not a cure, but it is an alternative treatment for sleepwalking that many have deemed a “better way” to deal with this problem.

PEMF therapy works on the body by bringing it back into balance with the natural circadian rhythm.

This rhythm is what affects one’s ability to sleep during what we refer to as a normal sleep cycle.

When the natural pattern of sleep has become altered, the mind and body can fall out of balance and bring on what we refer to as a sleep disorder.

In this article, we are discussing sleepwalking, but sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy and many other sleep disorders have been studied using PEMF therapy.

The body pulses in alignment with the earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency.

As you age, the body will begin to pulse fewer times per minute. Diabetics have poor circulation, so their body will only pulse around once every ten minutes.

These pulses can bring the natural state of the body back to where it should be, and the same is true of the natural human sleep cycle.

Studies have you shown that PEMF therapy, when used on a consistent basis can help the body come back into balance with the circadian rhythm.

Using PEMF therapy consistently is the key to observing how it affects you and what you wish to correct.

Using a wellness device just once isn’t enough to help the body become restored down to the cellular level.

Most likely, the stressors in life that have caused the patterns of your body to become altered did not occur overnight. the same is true of correcting the problem.

If would like to learn more about how PEMF therapy could become an alternative treatment for sleepwalking, please visit, and be sure to check out the sectioned called “Information Videos”.

treatment for sleepwalking

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