Treatment for Stroke-Could PEMF Therapy be an Accepted Therapy in Medicine?

Treatment for stroke has long consisted of treatment through physical therapy and medications during hospitalization, but research shows that stroke patients are responding to a newer therapeutic modality.
This modality is PEMF therapy. This therapy presents compelling research, and have shown that patients with all kinds of diseases and conditions are seeing improvement with the consistent use of PEMF therapy.
The Central Nervous System (CNS), goes under attack when a stroke occurs. There are many known causes for strokes, but there are still come questions that patients need answers to.
If you have suffered a stroke then you know what this is like.
You most likely couldn’t grasp what happened during this whirlwind of events, and you were most likely told your life would only slightly improve.
Speech therapy and physical therapy are two common modalities that every stroke patient needs, and there is certainly no replacement for this.
In fact, our position is not that PEMF therapy is a cure, but compelling research gives us an inside look at what is happening
In fact, our position is not that PEMF therapy is a cure, but compelling research gives us an inside look at what is happening in the brains of stroke patients during PEMF therapy.
This article is going to share the most common type of stroke as well as the symptoms and warning signs of a stroke.
You will also learn more about the therapies and medications used in the treatment for stroke patients.
Lastly, you will learn how PEMF therapy can improve the brain function down to the cellular level in a stroke patient.
Please read this article in its entirety to learn more about a more natural treatment for stroke.
Conventional Treatment for Stroke in the United States
Conventional treatment for stroke may consist of multiple prescription drugs in addition to physical therapy and speech therapy.
There is no doubt a need for these medications and therapies immediately upon the discovery of a stroke, and it’s important that you follow the advice of your practitioner.
There are several warning signs and symptoms that accompany a stroke including:
- Drooping of the face. One of the most noticeable signs of stroke is the drooping of the face. While the patient may be alone at the time it happens, there are also cases in which other individuals may be present when a stroke presents itself. If you are present during the time someone else is having a stroke, ask them to smile. If it is uneven, they are most likely having a stroke.
- Weakness of the arm. The weakness of one of the patient’s arm is also a good indicator of a stroke. If you are present at the time someone is having a stroke, ask them to raise both arms. When someone struggles to lift both arms and one hangs down they are most likely having a stroke.
- Difficulty with speech. Garbled speech is another prominent sign of a stroke. Oftentimes, an individual will sound as though they have slurred speech, due to the onset of a stroke. If you are present during the onset of what you believe is a stroke, ask the individual to repeat a simple sentence. If they are unable to do this, they are most likely having a stroke.
Any of these signs should prompt you to call 911, but this isn’t the end of the road for a stroke patient. Regardless of the type of stroke they have, they will still need the attention of an experienced physician.
The two types of strokes that occur are the transient ischemic attack and the hemorrhagic stroke. The factors for stroke are generally related to uncontrolled blood pressure and temporary clots.
Decades of research have been done in an attempt to figure out if there are any other underlying causes for strokes. Some doctors believe that stress could play a role in this but it has not been proven.
Ultimately, the amount of blood that goes to the brain can be reduced or in other words, there may be an interference of blood flow getting to the brain. Ischemic strokes may also be caused by a blocked artery or a blood vessel may have burst.
The death of brain cells is inevitable causing a disconnect with speech and mobility. This can lead to frustration, depression, and a lack of vitality in a person’s life once they have a stroke. This is why therapy combined with medications makes a winning combination for both the patient and their caregivers.
The physician’s assessment of the patient will determine what medications are prescribed as well as the therapy they get. These are the most common prescriptions for stroke patients.
- Blood thinners. The most well-known blood thinner include Warfarin, Coumadin, Xarelto, Pradaxa, Eliquis, and Heparin. These drugs are also known as anticoagulants, and their purpose is to help reduce or prevent blood clots.
- Cholesterol medicine. When a patient has a stroke, they will also be given drugs that are known antiplatelets. These include aspirin and a newer drug, Clopidogrel.
- Blood pressure medicine. These drugs are commonly prescribed by doctors that believe blood pressure is a related issue. It is most cases, but not all. Some of the most commonly prescribed medicines include Metoprolol, Lisinopril, Atenolol, Toprol, Clonidine, Diovan, Lopressor, and many others.
There are many drugs on the market that are used to address all three of these issues, but most importantly it is important to monitor patients while they are using these medications as there may be numerous side effects.
With the side effects these drugs have, is it possible that you could reduce your symptoms and trigger the growth of healthy brain cells and recharge your neurons?
How PEMF Therapy Could Improve Treatment for Stroke
PEMF therapy isn’t new, but it has taken some time to get the recognition it deserves in the United States as a beneficial modality for those struggling with various diseases and conditions.
While conventional medicine certainly plays an important role in the initial treatment for stroke, there is plenty of compelling research available on how PEMF therapy has improved the quality of life for stroke patients.
Studies have shown that using a low-intensity and low-frequency has been beneficial for those who had experienced a stroke at least one and a half years after the stroke, and as much as 9 years later.
These patients were able to experience this therapy while in the hospital, and with two PEMF therapy sessions per day.
The initial session was a low-intensity treatment at 20 minutes later followed by a more intensive treatment for 120 minutes.
While this included physical therapy for the intensive session, 4 weeks was the alloted time in which these patients were able to see long-term results. The study was conducted over the course of 15 days, with 22 treatments each.
The therapy can improve the life of a stroke patient in the follow ways.
- Improving nerve cell function. Nerve cells misfire and thus cause a major disconnect for the patient. The disconnects cause problems with mobility as well as with speech. Once the function improves the patient improves. The lack of mobility can prevent a patient from living life to the fullest, and it limits their ability to do simple tasks on their own. This can cause depression to mount, as well well as anxiety. Once this happens, it opens up more challenges and the use of more prescription drugs. The sooner a patient can trial the PEMF therapy, the sooner they can see the desired results.
- Consistent use of PEMF therapy means consistent improvement. Without persistence it’s impossible to see results. The same is true for anyone that chooses to use PEMF therapy for any reason. In the case of a stroke patient, the improvement of mobility as well as speech is encouraging for the patient and their family members and caregivers. When the patient is encouraged they will begin to feel the drive to continue with their therapy.
PEMF therapy is not a cure, and it is not a replacement for any advice your physician has given you. Keep in mind that it is best to approach PEMF therapy as a complementary therapy, and one that should be used with with the approval of your physician.
Don’t let your improvement become a distant desire. If you would like to learn more about how you can access a reputable PEMF device at an affordable rate to use in conjunction with your “treatment for stroke”, please visit. www.pemfsupply.com.