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Allodynia and Fibromyalgia Pain

Allodynia and Fibromyalgia Pain

Did you know that fibromyalgia pain may also affect your skin?

Research over the last few years has indicated that a condition called “allodynia” is closely associated with patients who suffer from fibromyalgia as well as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Allodynia refers to pain on the skin, and it specifically refers to anything touching the skin that normally wouldn’t cause pain at all.

Those who suffer from various types of neuropathy, including diabetic neuropathy and fibromyalgia may experience this pain, but doctors still believe that this is fairly rare.

Do you have this symptom?

Sharing this information with your doctor can give them some insight into what you are experiencing, and it may help them determine whether or not medications for the treatment of fibromyalgia would be appropriate for you as well.

This article is dedicated to the topic of fibromyalgia, the pain associated with this chronic condition, and allodynia.

The purpose of bringing the two together in this article is to help you identify whether or not you have been experiencing this rare symptom, and above all to give you hope.

Our hope is that you will learn more about fibromyalgia, the treatment options, and how PEMF therapy may benefit you.

Many studies have shown that those who suffer from fibromyalgia have been able to benefit from PEMF therapy and see a noticeable reduction in symptoms.

Do you long for relief from chronic pain?

Whether it’s your joints, muscles, and pain from a gentle touch, this article will shed light on what you need to get relief, and the many options available to you.

Above all, we will share vital information with you regarding PEMF therapy and how it helps individuals suffering from fibromyalgia pain.

A Rare Symptom for Fibromyalgia Pain?

Allodynia is what the medical community considers to be a rare symptom, however, it could be that there are many who experience this painful condition, but feel as though it’s not worth mentioning.

There are thousands that experience chronic pain in various ways, but they often get discouraged when they share this information with their doctor.

The stigma associated with talking about pain has been frustrating for many patients due to changes in how pain is now being managed in the United States.

However, allodynia does exist in three forms at this time.

  1. Tactile allodynia. This is the type of allodynia that is associated with touch. If you have heard someone say that, “I hurt so bad that it hurt me to wear clothes”, that is a good example of what this tactile allodynia is like. Specifically, someone may refer to the waistband in their pants or perhaps an unusual type of pain from wearing a belt. Some patients may even mention that wearing socks is painful, and for women, this could mean discomfort with bra straps or swimsuits.
  2. Thermal allodynia. This type of pain is associated with temperature, and it this can refer to sensitivity and pain from hot or cold temperatures. This isn’t the type of temperature sensitivity that would indicate damage to your tissues, like frostbite. However, this should be noted, and it is not related to Raynaud’s Phenomenon.
  3. Mechanical allodynia. Mechanical is associated with movement, and in this case, it is important to note if pain is present when drying off with at towel or using a wash cloth. As the towel or washcloth crosses the skin it can cause pain. This is a symptom of mechanical allodynia. Also make a note if this occurs with your bed linens or blankets of any size or fabric.

These are all worth noting because chronic pain of any kind can disturb your quality of life.

Your family members or friends may not understand if they are unable to relate to what you are feeling, but sharing this information with your doctor is critical to getting answers and getting pain relief.

Allodynia is associated with fibromyalgia because it is believed to be rooted in a disorder of the central nervous system.

There are several types of disorders of the nervous system, but within those disorders there are many variations.

One of those chronic conditions is fibromyalgia and the various ways that patients experience it.

The way your body perceives pain has been altered when this is the case, and this is why PEMF therapy is helpful for fibromyalgia pain.

What has been altered in your nervous system, and how can PEMF therapy return it to a balanced state?

How PEMF Therapy Reduces Fibromyalgia Pain from Allodynia

PEMF therapy has been proven to provide direct stimulation to the cells, nerves, and tissues in the body.

This is why PEMF therapy can be so effective for those who suffer from fibromyalgia and allodynia.

Allodynia is what doctors refer to as a hypersensitive reaction or in other words an overreaction of the nerves.

Have you ever been pinched?

It hurts, but imagine that you feel that same sensation by pulling your bed sheets over you in the evening at bedtime.

That isn’t normal. This painful sensation would be considered abnormal and would cause you to look for some specific trigger or cause of the pain.

Nerves known as nociceptors work to detect temperature change and stimuli from the skin. In this case it is painful stimuli that it picks up.

These nerves are important to note, because they do not need to send signals to the brain.

One of the easiest ways to describe how this works is when someone touches a pizza pan without an oven mitt. It is instant misery!

This is because these special nerves work within the skin, and the response of the stimuli is automatically exposed.

There is no waiting period. Once these nerves are overworked, they begin to react to various stimuli on a consistent basis because they are so sensitive.

Can you imagine feeling as if you were burned just because you put your socks on?

Diabetics report a similar type of pain from nerve pain in their feet and it’s no surprise that their feet are a hot target.

This is because we use our feet to walk, and we put socks and shoes on every day.

Wearing flip flops doesn’t require putting on socks but because the flip flops are touching the skin of your feet, they can still send off pain signals.

PEMF therapy has been helpful for many in reducing nerve pain, and there are numerous independent studies conducted on how PEMF therapy has been used in these cases.

An individual using a PEMF therapy mat, noted that for nerve pain they were using it for 8 minutes at 20 Hz. Another individual used a PEMF mat for 15 minutes at 3Hz.

Everyone is different, but with the direct stimulation to the nerves using an earth-based EMF, studies have shown that the body comes back into balance.

This is why so many have reported back positively after struggling with restless leg syndrome.

If you would like to learn more about how a PEMF device can help you with fibromyalgia pain and reducing symptoms of allodynia, please visit today.

PEMF therapy history

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