How PEMF Therapy Impacts the Active Infection of Lyme Disease
May is Lyme Disease awareness month, and today, this article is going to focus on the active infection of Lyme Disease.
Many go undiagnosed for years or individuals are misdiagnosed leaving them with constant frustration and hopelessness.
While the disease seems easy to assess in terms of how one acquires this disease, it could be years before a patient shows a complete set of symptoms.
Chronic pain is a common symptom, but when other symptoms do not rise to the surface immediately it can become difficult to detect.
There are many tick borne diseases around the world, but Lyme Disease is on the rise in North America.
This bacterial infection is much more than a bite from a tick.
This infection can be the reason an individual suffers for many years without knowing what causes it or how to cope with it.
Today, this article will discuss how PEMF therapy can be effective in reducing symptoms for those who suffer from Lyme Disease, as well as discussing how it can impact the active infection of Lyme Disease.
The active infection is the number one factor because it all starts with the organism, the spirochete.
It is imperative to understand how it invades the body, and what happens after it settles in.
PEMF therapy has been shown to be extremely effective for many with this dreaded disease, but this article does not take the position that PEMF therapy is a cure.
Please note, this therapy can be a wonderful complimentary therapy to your current treatment plan, and should NOT be viewed as a replacement.
Learning How PEMF Therapy Could Slow Down the Active Infection of Lyme Disease
The spirochete, a corkscrew type organism is responsible for Lyme Disease, and it is transmitted through bites from the deer tick.
Spirochetes reproduce at a rapid pace and it does not present quickly once it is on the attack.
When a tick bite has occurred, it is evident from the bull’s-eye type marking on the skin.
This is cause for concern, regardless of one’s age, race, or otherwise.
Keep in mind that there are many who suffer from Lyme Disease that did not see this marking on their skin at ANY point in time.
This quiet disease can creep in, leaving an individual to wonder why they “feel so badly”.
Chronic pain, feeling feverish, and experiencing flu-like symptoms is all a part of daily life for those who have Lyme Disease.
Each individual may experience different symptoms, all based upon where the actual infection settles into the body.
The good news is that regardless where the disease lies within the body, PEMF therapy can be helpful.
The medical community has stated the Lyme Disease can affect the following areas of the human body:
- Brain
- Heart
- Lungs
- Intestinal tract
- Joins and muscles
There are effects to consider, but this list alone is cause for research on how PEMF’s can improve one’s quality of life when suffering from the infection of Lyme Disease.
PEMF therapy can aid in the following ways for these patients including:
- Relieve brain fog
- Improve concentration and focus
- Improve breathing and circulation
- Reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain
These results alone are welcome results for those who cannot get relief from the onslaught of prescription drugs and other therapies used.
Long term antibiotics can be given intravenously for the greatest effect, but the management of symptoms that accompany Lyme Disease has been controversial at best.
Some patients may present with symptoms immediately after recognizing a tick bite, but others may never see that bull’s eye shaped lesion or get treatment for symptoms.
Symptoms may lay dormant for years, causing surprise and frustration to the individual that cannot seem to get relief, or any comfort with pain.
It is only with the trial of numerous natural therapies in addition to medicines that these individuals can hope to get some relief.
PEMF therapy is now noted as one of the most effective ways to manage Lyme Disease.
Specifically though, we want to take a look at how PEMF therapy could slow down or impact the active infection of Lyme Disease.
One prominent clue we have on how this therapy FIGHTS back, is via the oxygenation of the body.
Studies have shown that when the body maintains a proper level of oxygen cancer cannot survive.
Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, a researcher and assistant professor at University of South Florida, has discussed this in a recent article regarding a study with Navy Seals and the use of a hyperbaric chamber.
The first point of interest for these patients was eating a diet that restricted carbohydrates, ultimately starving cancer cells.
The second point of interest, was the use of they hyberbaric chamber to get the toxic effect on those cancer cells.
Knowing that the oxygenation of the body can have such a powerful effect on cancer cells, proves that this therapy can also have a powerful effect on the infection of Lyme Disease.
This infection, known as borreliosis, will need initial treatment with antibiotics.
There is certainly a time and place for conventional wisdom and medicine, but some have become immune to the antibiotics.
The time period for which these antibiotics can be used is limited, and long-term, patients need more to assist them in living a better quality of life.
What else can PEMF therapy do for those suffering from Lyme Disease?
Try PEMF Therapy for the Active Infection of Lyme Disease
Giving PEMF therapy a try is easy because it is non-invasive and you can use it in the comfort of your own home.
Many devices have been created over the years, and over time the devices have evolved.
Now they are easier to use, and generally they come in the form of a mat that can be placed on a flat surface.
These devices even include rings, pillows, and other items, making it easier for individuals to get targeted therapy too.
Chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other medical professionals are now implementing PEMF therapy mats into their practice, allowing patients to try them before making a commitment to purchase.
While there are many mats and devices to choose from, it is critical that you take the time to do your research and compare.
Those who get the best results are using a PEMF therapy mat every day at least twice daily.
Are you tired of searching for something that can really help you feel better?
If you have been diagnosed with Lyme Disease, or someone you love has been suffering from Lyme Disease, it’s time to learn more about a PEMF therapy mat, and how it could help slow down or halt the progression of the active infection of Lyme Disease.
I have suffered from Chronic Lyme for 10 years! I lost my job because of it and I have been completely bedridden! It has been a night mare! I got a false negative test because I just had one band positive, Band 41! I have been diagnosed by 5 doctors that I definitely have Lyme Disease! I can’t take antibiotics because they make me so sick! Please help me! Call me at 501-655-3946 or write me at this address 3 Millwood Ct. Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901!!!!
Hi Karen,
So sorry to hear of your battle with Chronic Lyme Disease. Please contact Tasnim in Customer Service via email [email protected], or you may contact her directly at 1-844-855-7363.
Be well,
The Team at PEMF Supply
I have suffered from Chronic Lyme for 10 years! I lost my job because of it and I have been completely bedridden! It has been a night mare! I got a false negative test because I just had one band positive, Band 41! I have been diagnosed by 5 doctors that I definitely have Lyme Disease! I can’t take antibiotics because they make me so sick! Please help me! Call me at 501-655-3946 or write me at this address 3 Millwood Ct. Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901!!!!
than ks for info
You are welcome Thomas! Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our devices or the research that we refer to on our site.
Many thanks,
The Team at PEMF Supply
A completely irresponsible article. The FDA should be shutting you down for making ridiculous claims with no scientific basis. ” Knowing that the oxygenation of the body can have such a powerful effect on cancer cells, proves that this therapy can also have a powerful effect on the infection of Lyme Disease” ….I hope people who read this can see what a ridiculous statement this is. These people are making unfounded claims in order to sell their product!
Hi Trish,
Thank you for your comment. The oxygenation of the body was discovered by doctors, not by us. We are not doctors, nor do we make any claims that PEMF therapy is a cure. However, there are numerous testimonials of folks using this therapy that claim they have been cured (from cancer and other diseases or conditions) or in “full remission” on YouTube. Those testimonials have nothing to do with our PEMF devices at PEMF Supply.
The research on the oxygenation of the body and cells dates back to the 1950’s, and has been further researched today by Dr. Sircus and Dr. William Pawluk. These doctors are medical doctors, and considered expert researchers in their specific focus of treatment.
Additionally, no doctor can make a claim that chemotherapy is a cure for cancer, nor any drug that has been made to date. Anything that we publish is always based upon independent research, as well as information gathered from and observing testimonials. There are no claims here in this article, just information simply based upon real research that was conducted by real doctors.
You can read an article from Dr. Sircus here regarding his research on oxygenation and cancer cells- There are many Lyme’s patients who speak for themselves. We are not there voice. You can contact the organization Lyme Cares and ask them about their results with PEMF therapy. They have no relation to PEMF Supply.
The FDA did in fact approve the use of PEMF therapy for the treatment of brain cancer in 2011. Hopefully this helps with your research. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact customer service at 1-844-855-7363.
Kind Regards,
The Team at PEMF Supply