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How PEMF Therapy May Play an Integral Role in Functional Medicine

How PEMF Therapy May Play an Integral Role in Functional Medicine

More patients are researching their options with functional medicine as Americans face uncertainty about the state of our healthcare system.

The ability to choose a doctor and choose a plan has become more difficult, and those who want to keep their doctor are hoping that they can keep their doctor and see a reduction in the price of policies and prescription drugs.

Until that time comes it is wise to learn more about the natural remedies that currently exist and how to use them for their maximum effectiveness.

Natural medicine was not widely accepted in North America until recently, and along with this acceptance there has been an uptick in the interest of PEMF therapy.

Although functional medicine itself has ALWAYS been based upon diet and lifestyle changes, there is now room at the table for PEMF therapy.

Can PEMF therapy play an integral role in this area of natural medicine?

The Basis for Functional Medicine Used in Conjunction with Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine certainly has its place, but the use of natural remedies on a consistent basis can prove to be just as effective in some cases.

One of the most prescribed drugs in the United States is blood pressure medicine.

These medications have numerous side effects, putting individuals at risk for taking them long term.

Additionally, those who start medication for high blood pressure will soon discover that they have to take the medication for the rest of their lives.

The good news is that functional medicine can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.

However, it is important to speak with your doctor about the use of any herbs or other natural modalities prior to using them.

Why is this important?

There are more than 7 million people around the world are affected by high blood pressure.

That is a staggering number, and worse than that is the percentage of deaths (nearly 15%) that occur as a result.

When high blood pressure is not managed properly, or when it is out of control, the following may also occur:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Mental illness
  • Blood clots
  • Kidney damage

There are other health conditions that are related to uncontrolled blood pressure, but these are the most common and the most serious conditions.

There are scientific studies on the use of PEMF therapy for those with high blood pressure, showing promise for those who either want to get off the medication as soon as possible, or those who want to avoid using it.

Repeated exposure is the key to success with PEMF therapy.

One study found online, showed that a group using the therapy with the electromagnetic frequency at 6-8Hz for 10-15 minute sessions every day for 4 weeks, with a significant change to their systolic blood pressure.

Another study also showed that the practice of QiGong could aid in reducing high blood pressure as well.

Natural modalities can be just as effective as medication, but so few Americans try the natural approach first.

There are numerous options for individuals to try but it does take time to do a little research.

The internet can be a great resource of information, that can help you get some guidance on what natural therapies are most effective.

PEMF therapy is one of them.

It is clear that this therapy is effective and may now play an integral role in functional medicine. 

What can you do to take the important steps to reducing your blood pressure?

Put Functional Medicine to Work for You!

It’s clear that trying natural therapies first will give you a firm foundation for a complete wellness plan before you try prescription medications that can put you at further risk with dangerous side effects.

While there are individuals that have not had trouble with these medicines, it is more common to experience side effects with prescriptions for high blood pressure.

Just as individuals usually experience side effects of pain medication, there are other medications that are also dangerous when used long-term.

It is up to you to find the natural approach that works best for you, and perhaps that could be PEMF therapy.

When this therapy first came to North America the devices were expensive, and they were only used in doctor’s offices.

Today, you can now purchase your very own PEMF therapy device and use it in the comfort of your own home.

You won’t have to worry about making unnecessary trips to the doctor’s office for therapy, and oftentimes the sessions are expensive.

Many doctors charge anywhere from $120 per hour or more for PEMF sessions, leaving patients feeling good but frustrated that they cannot use it often, and feeling the burn in their wallet.

There are now more options available!

PEMF Supply has now made PEMF therapy accessible to everyone on any budget. This is great news!

Devices can range anywhere from $2,000 up to $10,000 and even $30,000.

You can now get affordable PEMF therapy mats, rings, and pulse pads through PEMF Supply at an affordable investment.

If you have questions regarding the mat and how it could help you feel better, or how you can integrate these devices into your practice, you can visit the website at today.

You’ll see the section labeled, “Information Videos”, where you’ll find videos about PEMF therapy and how it has been so beneficial to others for many reasons.

You’ll also find information on how NASA has used it, and when PEMF therapy was first approved by the FDA in North America for specific problems.

Would you like to reduce inflammation, chronic pain, or just have more energy?

Using PEMF therapy in conjunction with a healthier diet and lifestyle changes can be a great way to get well.

If you would like to learn more about how you can feel better using a PEMF therapy mat, please visit for more information.

functional medicine

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