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Can PEMF Therapy Reduce Pain for Occipital Neuralgia?

Can PEMF Therapy Reduce Pain for Occipital Neuralgia?

Migraines are painful and troublesome, but many have asked whether or not PEMF therapy can reduce pain for occipital neuralgia?

Research has shown that PEMF therapy is effective in stimulating nerves, tissues, muscles, and overall blood flow as well.

While this has proven to effective in reducing the number of migraines an individual gets, and it has been shown to reduce pain in headaches for many, occipital neuralgia is a very different type of headache.

These headaches follow a unique pain pathway, and they are just as painful as a migraine headache.

What you may not know about occipital neuralgia is that it too can be debilitating like a migraine.

Many combat veterans suffer from these headaches, and while the reason used to be unknown decades ago, there has been more research over the years to shed light on what can promote these headaches.

This article is going to share with you what the medical community has published regarding these painful headaches, and how PEMF therapy could help those who suffer from them.

The ultimate goal is to reduce chronic pain, as well as to reduce pain for occipital neuralgia.

Research Supports that PEMF’s May Reduce Pain for Occipital Neuralgia

If you suffer from migraines but your headaches have changed you could be suffering from occipital neuralgia.

It isn’t unusual that the pattern of your headaches could change during your lifetime.

There are certain health conditions where headache patterns have been known to change, including those who suffer from lupus or multiple sclerosis, but the reason for the change in the headache pattern isn’t entirely clear.

Whatever the reason that you get these headaches, or they are in fact occipital neuralgia, PEMF therapy can bring welcome relief.

Here is what we know about occipital neuralgia at this time.

  1. It can be characterized by chronic neck pain.
  2. It is linked to the C2 or the second vertebrae in the cervical spine.
  3. Pain occurs in the back of the neck, back of the head, and behind the eyes.

The pain in the back of the neck and head, as well as pain behind the eyes may be characteristic for those with severe sinus headaches, however they are often misdiagnosed.

Those who suffer may do so for quite some time before the real culprit is discovered.

The one consistent symptom is “chronic headache”.

This can mean once per week or even once per day.

The more frequent the headaches the more troublesome they become.

Some doctors may diagnose their patients with tension headaches or migraines before they get the proper diagnosis.

Thus it remains difficult to reduce pain for occipital neuralgia when the incorrect medication is used.

This is because migraines and occipital neuralgia are two different types of headaches, and those originating from occipital neuralgia will not respond to migraine medication.

Unfortunately, this is the main way in which patients help their neurologist identify the correct type of headache.

Today, one of the newest courses of treatment for these headaches is Botox injections to create a nerve block to stop pain signals.

Research has shown that these injections were no better than those given to patients with a placebo, and this is bad news for the medical community.

PEMF is not a cure for occipital neuralgia but research has shown that PEMF therapy may reduce the frequency of these headaches as well as reduce pain for occipital neuralgia.

Why is this so?

How We Know That PEMF Can Reduce Pain for Occipital Neuralgia

Above, we mentioned that PEMF therapy is NOT a cure for occipital neuralgia, and it is important to note that any other treatment to date has not been regarded as a cure for this condition.

These types of headaches are often the result of a mechanical defect in the head and neck, which in turn causes the headache to occur.

Many doctors may refer their patients to physical therapy for this type of headache because the following problems have been evident in thousands of cases:

  1. Too much space or not enough space in between the C1 and the C2 vertebrae.
  2. A ligament emerges from it’s proper position, known as the atlantoaxial ligament.
  3. Nerve entrapment or muscle entrapment of the semispinalis capitis.
  4. Problems with the trapezius and muscle entrapment.
  5. Entrapment of the trapezius itself at the nuchal line.
  6. Intertwining of the occipital nerve and the occipital artery.

The last reason listed above is often the most common, and it is uncertain as to why. It could be that during the course of a car accident, athletic event, or even a soldier in combat sustains an encounter that injures the neck causing this to occur.

Thus, the chronic headaches ensue, leaving the patient frustrated with loss of quality of life, an active lifestyle, and possibly work hours as well.

We know that PEMF therapy can be effective, because the symptoms indicate potential problems with muscles, nerves, and tendons.

PEMF therapy has a seat at the table in this case, because the start of these headaches is purely mechanical.

This therapy cannot change a mechanical issue, but it certainly can aid in reducing inflammation where there is a trapped nerve or muscle.

Furthermore, PEMF therapy has been shown to increase blood flow, and this is great news for the individual who may have a trapped artery or one that is intertwined with the occipital nerve.

Blood vessels change in the case of any headache, but if they become constricted in any case, this therapy can be helpful.

As the blood flow increases and the vessels expand, the headache can or should be somewhat alleviated.

Where a muscle or tendon is entrapped, nerve and muscle pain can occur.

Thousands of studies with PEMF therapy have shown that muscles and tendons can become inflamed or pinch other nerves or tissues around them when swelling.

As the gentle pulses enter the body, the inflammation of the muscles and tendons can be reduced, thus relieving pressure on any structure surrounding it.

This is why the above video with Dr. Weil is so important. Many suffer from chronic pain for a wide range of reasons.

Knowing this, and how a reduction in pain occurs can lead us to the conclusion that this therapy can also be effective for debilitating headaches.

Could you benefit from PEMF therapy for your headaches?

Purchasing a PEMF therapy mat has helped hundreds “reduce pain for occipital neuralgia” and other types of pain.

If you or someone you love is seeking affordable PEMF therapy today, please visit for more information.

reduce pain for occipital neuralgia

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