Therapy with PEMF for Post-Traumatic Headaches After TBI

Did you know that therapy with PEMF for post-traumatic headaches can be just as effective for those who have headaches following traumatic brain injury (TBI)?
Traumatic brain injury includes events like concussion, and even strokes are referred to as TBI.
This is because cell death occurs where there is an injury to the brain.
The biggest challenge individuals with TBI face is the long-term outcome.
It is never the same for two people while the therapies used for specific injuries are the same.
This may limit the ability for patients to improve when the scope of their therapy options has been restricted to one ideal.
Doctors may often feel as though concussions heal quickly without long-term ramifications, but this isn’t always the case with other forms of injury to the brain.
Headaches may occur simultaneously with the event, or they may occur months or years down the road.
A car accident with heavy impact to the head, or for veterans that face explosions and blunt force with objects may cause varied degrees of TBI.
When surgeries are a part of the plan, work around the skull and brain are involved and these surgeries are performed very carefully.
Where does this leave the patient when they experience post-traumatic headaches after TBI?
Depending upon the procedure, small bleeds may occur later giving onset of these severe headaches.
Today, we’ll give you a more in-depth look at these post-traumatic headaches, conventional therapies, and how PEMF therapy may now play a more important role in reducing these headaches to improve quality of life for those who suffer from them.
PEMF for Post-Traumatic Headaches from Concussion and Skull Surgery
It may be difficult to imagine a surgical procedure on the skull, but where an injury to the brain has occurred it may be necessary.
As with any surgery, there may be complications within hours, days, or even weeks.
Unfortunately, one of the symptoms of TBI may include severe post-traumatic headaches.
Combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan know all too well the truth behind TBI, and how frequent it is to hear a fellow veteran share their diagnosis of TBI upon their return.
These stories may also include the horrific onset of headaches and the path that they follow for the duration of the headache.
Regardless of how the TBI occurred, research has shown that PEMF therapy can be helpful in stimulating the nerves, cells and neurons in the brain.
Along with this healing process, this may also include a reduction in post-traumatic headaches as well as the duration and severity of these headaches.
One of the most promising conventional therapies, rTMS, or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, has been effective, but the overall experience can be uncomfortable for patients.
This type of therapy takes place in the doctor’s office, while the doctor holds a coil near the patient’s head.
This may feel somewhat unsettling to the patient when they need to experience relaxation the most.
This is the beauty of PEMF therapy. It is not invasive in any way, and can be given as often as needed without the need for a medical appointment.
This is also great news for those who suffer from these debilitating headaches.
The ability to use a PEMF device at onset of headache means that the headache could be stopped if not shortened.
This is not to say that PEMF therapy is a cure for TBI or post-traumatic headaches.
PEMF therapy is not intended to replace any current treatment plan that you and your doctor have discussed, but it is certainly worth opening up dialogue about this therapy as an option.
There are numerous PEMF therapy devices on the market today, but the PEMF mat is the most common product you’ll see online.
A mat allows an individual to lie down and turn on the device while receiving the stimulation at their chosen frequency and time.
Many individuals find that they feel more relaxed within minutes, which can also reduce the headache itself.
Purchasing a PEMF therapy device gives an individual the control and the freedom to choose how they wish to approach their therapy, as well as the ability to use this in the comfort of their own home.
This non-invasive option makes it easy to get the same therapy as rTMS because the electromagnetic fields pass through the body without pain or discomfort, and without the assistance of another individual.
A study done with a group of veterans used the rTMS at 10Hz with the delivery of 2000 pulses with once second intervals.
These intervals essentially mean that there is not one continuous stream of electromagnetic fields being delivered to the body.
These gentle pulses when delivered through PEMF devices cannot be felt, and they promote relaxation which is ideal for combat veterans, as well as those who may suffer from post-traumatic headaches.
PEMF for post-traumatic headaches is also helpful for the following reasons:
- Reducing the use of antidepressants.
- Reducing the use of psychotropic drugs.
- Reducing the need for psychotherapy.
Individuals who suffer from seizures may also not be candidates for rTMS or other conventional therapies.
This is welcome relief for those who suffer from both maladies, and it is empowering for them to use therapy when they need it most.
While rTMS is still highly-regarded in the medical community, it is important to note that eliminating the stress of a medical procedure and all that comes with the experience is all the more reason for these individuals to give PEMF therapy a try.
PEMF therapy has been shown to reduce depression and anxiety, improving one’s overall quality of life.
Those who suffer from TBI often suffer from depression due to other symptoms that may have been caused by their injury.
This may include but is not limited to:
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Paralysis
- Problems with speech
- Tremors
- Agitation
The list could be voluminous and it is important to note that each case is unique.
This also means that consulting a physician or other health professional experienced with PEMF therapy is important before you use PEMF therapy.
Today, PEMF therapy is more affordable than ever, and it can be easily accessed without making a doctor’s appointment.
PEMF for post-traumatic headaches is now well within reach.
PEMF for Post-Traumatic Headaches is Readily Available
Those who suffer from post-traumatic headaches can now easily access PEMF therapy without the high cost.
Many health professionals who offer this therapy may charge anywhere from $60 to $120 an hour.
This fee is built in largely because the devices they use may include high-end machines that can be used for many different types of injuries, or a health professional may be offering time in a halo device.
These devices are generally only available to health professionals, with an upfront cost of anywhere from $10,000 ore more.
The wait for this revolutionary therapy is over, and you can now access it on your terms.
PEMF Supply has made this therapy accessible to everyone in North America at an affordable investment for the entire family.
A PEMF therapy mat is the most popular device, giving individuals the ability to lay on the mat for just 10 minutes per day, or longer dependent upon the malady they wish to use it for.
Many who opt for a PEMF mat use it for chronic pain, and this is includes migraines and other types of headaches.
This includes those who suffer from TBI and post-traumatic headaches.
If you or someone you love is suffering from chronic pain or you wish to learn more about “PEMF for post-traumatic headaches”, please visit www.pemfsupply.com.