Could PEMF’s Signal the End of Spinal Fusion Surgery?

Did you know that PEMF’s could signal the end of spinal fusion surgery?
These fusions are some of the most common surgeries performed in the United States.
Those who suffer from cervical spine maladies and low spine injuries are often treated by pain management doctors.
Initially, the main protocol is physical therapy, along with steroid injections and potentially nerve ablations.
The injections and nerve ablations are risky as well as painful.
Is the probability of spinal fusion success going down?
It all depends on the optimism of the surgeon that you are using.
Many individuals aren’t sure that they can entrust their spinal health to a surgeon any longer.
Research indicates that PEMF therapy is now being used more than it has been in years prior for pain relief as well as the healing of bone fractures ( it was FDA approved in 1979) and connective tissue.
Oftentimes, patients would undergo spinal fusion surgery due to tiny fractures in their spine.
PEMF has been shown to repair fractures as well as heal the surrounding connective tissue.
Today, this article will focus on how PEMF therapy is being used in modern practice, and how individuals are finding pain relief and why this could prevent surgery from being scheduled.
What Spinal Fusion Surgery Does and the Therapy that Could Take its Place
The small bones of the spine are the target of a spinal fusion procedure. Ouch!
Small bones does not mean it’s small pain. In fact, the fusion of small bones to make one longer connected bone takes time and care.
Any procedure that relates to the spine is not painless.
This surgical procedure is used to make the necessary corrections to these small bones, and during this process, the bones are virtually “welded” together.
The other consideration to make is the recovery time.
This means that the recovery period could be anywhere from three to six months.
Spinal fusion surgery has been classified as major surgery.
Sadly, it cannot be determined if the surgery is a failed fusion until nine months after it has been performed.
When surgery is first performed, the patient spends about 2 or 3 days in the hospital before they are released.
During this time, a patient learns to acclimate to sitting up or getting up out of the bed or a chair as well.
Most individuals fear having surgery, and many other individuals feel that having surgery is more of a risk than not having the surgery.
Those who are more inclined to avoid surgery have said that they would try the following in this order:
- Physical therapy
- Over-the-counter medications (Tylenol or Advil)
- Steroid injections
- Nerve ablations
- Spinal fusion
The responses typically follow the order that doctors go in before they send a patient to surgery.
Physical therapy is often a “go to” mandate for doctors, but what a patient may not understand is that movement is good despite pain.
It is when we stop moving that pain and what follows after that becomes a problem.
The patient with a sore shoulder may not desire to move much due to pain, but if they don’t rehabilitate properly, they may suffer from frozen shoulder.
This is ultimately a more painful condition, and it can lead to further surgery and a very lengthy recovery.
The same is true for the individual that either chooses to have spinal surgery or ignore the request for physical therapy.
Either way, the patient will need to enter into physical therapy, but the failure to move altogether is failure to heal the body.
PEMF therapy can aid in reducing the pain as well as the damage to tissues upfront.
This can happen prior to physical therapy, giving the patient a better overall experience.
Why is this important for you to know?
PEMF therapy has been around for decades, but it is just now becoming more widely accepted in the United States.
This therapy has been proven to work on the tissues down to the cellular and molecular level.
This changes the game where therapy is concerned.
This is because PEMF therapy induces what is known as osteogenesis.
This means that the inner process of how bones grow is stimulated and strengthened.
A disease called “osteogenesis imperfecta” means that the bones are weakened and fracture easily. This was mentioned in the previous article.
When bones are weakened in the spine, it can cause tiny cracks or fractures.
A condition known as “osteoporosis”, in which adult bones become brittle has the same effect.
PEMFs can strengthen the tissue inside the bone.
This is because stem cells reside in almost all tissues in the body, including those inside the bones.
If your doctor has recommended that you have spinal fusion surgery, you may want to try PEMF therapy first.
Bone mineral density is also stimulated, making the bones stronger as long as therapy continues.
Over time, an individual may find that they can use therapy every other day or just a few days a week.
Consistency matters, and each individual will respond differently.
It is for this reason that it is wise to talk to your doctor about using PEMF therapy prior to using it.
You should also talk to your doctor after you use your therapy to let them know what has changed.
PEMF therapy is not a cure, and it should not replace any current treatment plan that has been agreed upon by the doctors involved in your care.
However, inflammation is at the root cause for most conditions and diseases. It is for this reason that getting inflammation down is ideal before a patient begin physical therapy.
There is no doubt that using PEMF therapy in conjunction with physical therapy could yield even better results.
Even the use of over-the-counter medications can cover up the true cause of pain.
These can certainly be helpful in the short-term, but PEMF therapy may reduce the use of these medicines, or eliminate the need for them over time.
This is great news for those who suffer in pain needlessly when a non-invasive therapy is available.
It is also ideal that it can be used in the comfort of your own home.
Reduce Your Chance of Spinal Fusion Surgery with PEMF Therapy
Now that you know more about how the bones can become stronger with the use of PEMF therapy, it would be wise to consider investing in a PEMF device that you can use in your home.
Numerous trips to the doctor’s office as well as the expense of gas, co-pays, and taking time off from your job can get expensive very quickly.
Conduct your own research online.
There are now a plethora of studies published online regarding the use of PEMF therapy and its benefits.
Do your research on devices as well before you choose one.
You can learn more about PEMF therapy and how it has helped others avoid “spinal fusion surgery” and various conditions and diseases when you go to www.pemfsupply.com today.
Great read. The more alternatives we have to spinal fusion the better. The risks and downfalls associated with fusion, really makes alternative options much more viable in most cases.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, the more options the better.
Thank you,
The Team at PEMF Supply