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How Safe PEMF Therapy Combats Knee Pain from Baker’s Cyst

How Safe PEMF Therapy Combats Knee Pain from Baker’s Cyst

There are many sources of knee pain, but the pain from Baker’s cyst can be reduced with PEMF therapy.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been increasing in popularity over the last few years for those with orthopedic injuries.

This therapy presents a strong ability to reduce inflammation, swelling, and ultimately pain.

Today, this article will discuss how PEMF therapy combats knee pain from Baker’s cyst.

Additionally, the results from an independent study will be shared on how PEMF therapy can impact the surrounding tissues and nerves to keep the knee healthy and strong.

Reducing Pain from Baker’s Cyst Naturally

Baker’s cyst is a common ailment, but it’s generally a problem for those who suffer from severe inflammation in the back of the knee.

Those who have arthritis or other types of inflammation around the knee are the most likely to develop this condition.

The four primary conditions that Baker’s cyst can stem from include:

  1. Osteoarthritis.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Psoriatic arthritis.
  4. Gout.

The cyst fills with synovial fluid, the same fluid that lubricates the joints in the knee.

There have been some occurrences in which the cyst ruptures, causing further problems.

PEMF therapy reduces the inflammation in the joints, tendons and ligaments, keeping a healthy level of synovial fluid in the joint so it can move freely and without restriction.

Conventional treatments move to invasive measures rather quickly, including:

  1. Drainage of the fluid.
  2. Cortisone injection.
  3. Surgery to remove the cyst.

PEMF therapy can be used in conjunction with any treatment plan, aiding in reducing inflammation and a faster recovery process.

Oftentimes, orthopedic surgeons will recommend surgery when other conventional therapies have failed.

There are some cases in which the Baker’s cyst will disappear of its own volition, but if inflammation continues it is unlikely.

Reducing pain from Baker’s cyst is the key to avoiding invasive procedures, and most important surgery.

Outside of a surgical procedure, it is important to note why one should want to avoid steroid injections as well.

Although they may reduce pain and inflammation initially, they have also been proven to weaken the joints and muscles over time.

This is why doctors must limit the injections to three per year.

Additionally, it’s also important to recognize that the use of PEMF therapy may reduce the need for pain medication.

This may aid in reducing the intake of NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories), as well as the need for narcotics.

While your doctor may recommend physiotherapy to aid in the increase of range of motion, it is also important to keep inflammation to a minimum to make this therapy more beneficial.

There are now some new books out on PEMF therapy, and you can also do some online research to learn more about how the daily use of a PEMF device can reduce pain from Baker’s cyst.

Reduce Knee Pain from Baker’s Cyst with a PEMF Device

There are many PEMF devices on the market to aid in reducing knee pain and other ailments.

Most manufacturers offer devices that can aid in administering localized therapy.

These devices include rings, wands, loops, and the largest device is typically a full-body mat.

Devices like rings and loops can aid in reducing inflammation and pain for knees, ankles, and shoulders.

It is critical that inflammation is treated immediately.

When inflammation is left untreated, the enzymes that stem from inflammation damage the tissues further.

Daily use of PEMF therapy can reduce inflammation and pain, in addition, this therapy can be useful for improving wellness in general.

Those who suffer from “pain from Baker’s cyst” will discover that PEMF therapy will bring relief and maintain it over time.

Knee pain from Baker's cyst

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