Grinding Your Teeth and How to Stop it
Have you been grinding your teeth?
Chances are you have been looking for reasons why you grind your teeth and how to stop it.
While this may seem as though it’s only a dental problem, it initially starts as a sleep disorder.
This disorder, known as “bruxism” in the medical community, is troublesome for adults, but it is also troublesome for children and teenagers.
This is because bruxism or teeth grinding is often referred to as a condition related to stress.
When an individual holds stress in, they will notice that there are more physical symptoms associated with it.
Stress can cause headaches, tight muscles which lead to muscle spasms, and ultimately the outward appearance of anger and violence.
Those who tend not to have social circles or some outlets in life are those who tend to exhibit more symptoms of conditions like bruxism and far worse.
While stress is just one of the known causes of teeth grinding, there are other causes as well.
Oftentimes, stress is the first cause that doctors look for, and thus, they end up treating the stress with prescription medications before looking into the cause of the stress.
Even if you choose to use medication initially to deal with anxiety related to a stressful situation or you feel that your stress is leading to depression, keep in mind that there are no two people that will deal with life the same.
Today, this article will discuss what many doctors say can lead to grinding your teeth during sleep, what conventional medicine says, and also what homeopathic physicians and those who abide by natural living have to say about this condition and what to do about it.
What Can You Do About Grinding Your Teeth?
Grinding your teeth can be annoying, but above all, it’s uncovering the source of what causes you to grind your teeth that is most important.
There are some common causes that doctors believe are associated with teeth grinding, including:
- Stress-This can be stress associated with life or work situations. If you or your child is under stress, it is vital to get to the root cause of the stress and find out how to reduce it. Reducing stress is essential to good overall health. Until stress is reduced, it is unreasonable to believe that improvement of the situation will come. Reducing stress could mean a reduction in the occurrence of teeth grinding.
- Anxiety. Anxiety can certainly be caused by stress, and it’s no surprise that both can be treated with both conventional and holistic modalities. You may experience anxiety from a work situation or a life situation, but anxiety should be addressed just as stress should be addressed quickly. There could be numerous reason for anxiety or stress in life, and getting to the heart of the matter is important. Talk to your doctor about your options, and let them know that you have been grinding teeth in your sleep. In severe cases, it could wake you, and that may call for a trip to the dentist as quickly as possible. Seeking out counseling is also a wise option.
- Anger. Anger can be dangerous, both to you and those around you. If you are dealing with a life or work situation that causes you to feel angry do your best to work it out with that individual. You may also want to seek out counseling to learn more effective ways to deal with your anger in a healthier way. Physical activity can be helpful in eliminating stress, anxiety and it can help you manage your anger when it feels as though it’s getting out of control.
- Frustration or tension. Have you been feeling frustrated? Perhaps you are dealing with someone in a relationship that is hard to talk to or reason with. This can be extremely frustrating and may happen often in your marriage. Do your best to talk with that individual about the situation, and what you can do to limit the tension. Sometimes it could be a matter of agreeing to disagree. You may even be frustrated with your job, and you desperately want out but you haven’t found the way out just yet. Talk with your doctor about your options, and how you can deal with your frustration or tension in a healthy manner.
- Your airway is blocked. Research now shows that your airway may be blocked which triggers a natural defense from the body for the teeth to grind. This opens the airway and ultimately makes it easier for the airway to be opened for you to take in enough air and release it as well. When the airway is blocked during sleep, the tongue begins to expand. This means that the tongue can easily fan out to nearly twice its size. This makes it difficult for you to breathe and could prompt you to use a CPAP machine. Research has shown that mouth guards aren’t really improving the situation. The study of brain scans of those who grind their teeth shows that this helps to reopen the airway. Although it appears to be helpful according to research, there are some dangers of grinding your teeth.
Breaking your teeth, and the enamel off of your teeth can lead to decay and other dental problems.
There are various sleep stages throughout the course of one’s sleep for the evening or day, with grinding occurring at various times.
It would be wrong to say that two individuals share the same sleep pattern, even if they are grinding their teeth in their sleep.
The causes behind why someone grinds their teeth will not be the same as their neighbor.
Until the root cause is known it’s difficult for a doctor to properly address a patient with a treatment plan.
While conventional medicine steers patients to anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, there are many holistic modalities available.
Could one of them be right for you?
Stop Grinding Your Teeth with PEMF Therapy
While it may not sound serious, grinding teeth can cause jaw pain, broken teeth, poor overall oral health, and headaches.
Now that you know there are multiple reasons that people grind their teeth, you should also know that a popular holistic therapy has been shown to help a multitude of ills.
PEMF therapy has been used successfully by thousands to reduce anxiety and has aided thousands in healing depression on many levels.
While there is sufficient research to support this has been successful for many, we do not suggest that this is a replacement for your doctor’s advice.
However, PEMF therapy has been used by thousands to help reduce stress, whether they struggle with anxiety or otherwise.
Ultimately, the therapy has been shown to help by inducing a state of relaxation as well as bringing balance back to the mind and ultimately the emotions.
When the emotions come back into balance the stress level will begin to decrease, and cause a reduction in hormones that begin to build when stress goes up.
As the hormones in the body balance, the body comes to a state of harmony and reduce the chances of teeth grinding.
Overbites may also cause problems, but reducing stress is most important to reduce headaches and other problems that may arise as the result of stress. Don’t risk your dental health or your emotional health.
If you would like to learn more about how you can naturally stop “grinding your teeth”, reduce stress and feel more relaxed, take a moment to visit