Spinal Arthritis-How PEMF Therapy Can Reduce Your Pain

Spinal arthritis or osteoarthritis, is the wearing down of the cartilage of the joints and discs in the neck as well as the lower back.
This type of arthritis is especially painful, and it can be diagnosed in adults as early as their mid to late twenties and beyond.
The inflammation may be severe, but osteoarthritis is a condition that only gets worse over time.
It can lead to small overgrowth of bone called bone spurs or osteophytes. These put pressure on nerves and the joints causing excruciating pain.
Bone spurs in the lower back generally put pressure on the nerves as they leave the spinal column, leading to what many neurologists and neurosurgeons to refer to as “nerve compression”.
Generally, doctors only have a few different methods for treating this condition and the pain that accompanies this.
These methods include pain medication as well as physical therapy.
Sometimes the physical therapy helps, and in some cases, it can cause the pain to get worse at least in the short-term.
Those who suffer from this painful condition are now searching for a more natural approach to relieve their pain.
Pain medication is a short-term solution and physical therapy is something you can continue to do within your own home.
However, there isn’t any known conventional method for rebuilding cartilage or repairing joint damage.
This article is going to give you a more in-depth look at spinal arthritis and the symptoms as well as the ways in which conventional medicine has attempted to treat this condition.
We’ll also share with you how PEMF therapy has been helping individuals get relief and how it may reduce the effects of this painful condition.
Spinal Arthritis-An In-Depth Look at the Diagnosis
If you have been diagnosed with spinal arthritis, you most likely received this diagnosis from an orthopedic doctor, a rheumatologist, or perhaps a neurologist.
Arthritis can easily be viewed through x-rays in most cases, but with osteoarthritis, an MRI is more accurate.
This is because osteoarthritis affects your cartilage, and standard x-rays are unable to show your cartilage.
Osteoarthritis in the spine means that your cartilage is wearing down and away from the joints and the bones, causing inflammation, swelling, and pain.
When the cartilage degenerates and wears away it means that the bones could potentially rub together causing an individual excruciating pain.
The formation of what doctors refer to as “osteophytes”, meaning bone spurs can cause additional pain by putting pressure on the nerves that leave the spinal column, and the same may occur in the neck.
When numbness or weakness occurs in the arms or the legs, it’s generally a sign that bone spurs are putting pressure on those nerves.
When left untreated, it could lead to complete loss of feeling in the arms or legs.
Mobility can be impaired, and it can also be painful whether it occurs in men or women.
Typically, osteoarthritis is more common in men when this occurs prior to the age of 40, and it is more common in women thereafter.
It is important to understand the symptoms of this painful condition so that you can easily identify what it is, and where it’s coming from.
Once a diagnosis is given, anti-inflammatories are prescribed.
There are other medications that may be prescribed along with these anti-inflammatories until the pain seems to be better controlled.
While the condition of spinal arthritis is painful, the medications prescribed can become problematic for both the patient and the doctor due to the side effects and the possibility that the patient can experience addiction.
Could PEMF therapy be right for you?
Spinal Arthritis-Could PEMF Therapy be Right for You?
Many individuals are using PEMF therapy to help reduce their neck and low back pain.
Reducing pain often begins with reducing inflammation and swelling.. This is because the pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulate the healing of cells and tissues.
Reducing inflammation and swelling means that there is less pressure on the joints and nerves.
When treating osteoarthritis, it is essential that you target the inflammatory response in the body for healing to occur.
The greatest impact this type of arthritis has is on the joints.
This can deeply impact the facet joints in the low back, causing a lot of pain and reduced mobility over time unless it is controlled.
When inflammation isn’t controlled it can cause more health problems.
Over-inflammation can result in a buildup of what is known as “blood proteins”, and for this reason organs can suffer and fail to function properly when those proteins invade the organs.
Reducing inflammation is the key from all aspects, and that includes better overall health and function of the body.
Many have experienced this when using PEMF therapy to reduce inflammation, to reduce pain.
The approach to the right therapy is always based upon where the inflammation comes from.
One major example is understanding how inflammation from trauma is different from the inflammation that occurs from the overuse of joints and muscles.
Healing the tissue at the cellular level is critical to reduce inflammation and ultimately to reduce pain.
It is the ion flow through the membranes of cells that causes this to occur. PEMF therapy can generate this ion flow when it is used on a consistent basis.
PEMF therapy reproduces the electromagnetic fields from the Earth by using copper coils to send out the wavelengths through the body.
PEMF devices cover a wide area of the body. This means that multiple areas of inflammation can be reduced at the same time.
Many who have utilized a PEMF device to reduce pain in the lumbar region as well as in the cervical spine have noticed results within 4 to 6 weeks.
The great news for those who are suffering from chronic inflammation is that normal cells generally don’t respond to electromagnetic fields, but abnormal cells do.
This does not mean that the therapy cannot keep those cells healthy and stable, but the point of using PEMF therapy is to target those cells that are not functioning properly or need to be repaired.
Are you one of the thousands that suffer from severe arthritis pain?
If so, PEMF therapy may be right for you.
If you would like to learn more about how PEMF therapy could benefit you and reduce your pain from “spinal arthritis”, please visit www.pemfsupply.com.
I’m glad that you explain how PEMF works well for chronic inflammation since normal cells usually don’t respond to electromagnetic fields, but abnormal ones do. If you’re considering using PEMF therapy, you’d probably want to talk to your doctor in order to see if it’s a good fit for your situation. You could also talk to them about the different therapy mats available to figure out what brand and model is best for the pain you have.
Hi Tiffany,
Thank you for your comment. It does work well for chronic inflammation with consistent use. Normal cells will be strengthened, and obviously if they are normal nothing really changes. We always advise that individuals speak with their medical doctor, naturopathic physician, chiropractor etc. We also encourage individuals to conduct their own online research so that they can decide which mat best fits their needs.
Many thanks,
The Team at PEMF Supply